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​掌握DISC 成为合格的领导!

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📝附送 DISC Assessment Report

     个人评估报告 (价值RM250/-)

🎓有文凭 Certificate of Achievement

🔥10月班级 —— 一年只开两班



DISC Self-Discovery & Success





DISC起源于20世纪初的心理学和心理学家Dr. William Moulton Marston,他在1928出版的《正常人的情感》"Emotions of Normal People" 一书中首次提出了该理论。Marston专注于理解日常情感和行为,识别出四种主要情感反应:Dorminance支配、Inducement诱导(后来演变为Influence影响)、Submission顺从(后来演变为Steadiness稳定)和 Compliance服从(现称为 Conscientiousness尽责)。马斯顿的理论为DISC模型的发展奠定了基础,并在1950年代和1960年代被进一步发展为实用的性格评估工具。


经过多年的演变,DISC模式已在全世界被广泛用于个人发展、企业培训职场技能的提升DISC模式是理解和改善人际关系的实用工具,能有效地帮助人们理解并适应他人的行为,并增强自我意识、同理心和沟通能力,使其在个人和职业环境中都具有重要价值,特别是在团队建设、领导力发展解决冲突DISC 模型不仅仅是对人的分类,它还提供了个人成长和适应各种情况的架构,使其成为人际交往技能的强大工具



DISC 企业成功案例:

​🔍案例研究:强生公司Johnson & Johnson→ 提升团队绩效与协作

  • 实施 DISC 评估后,强生公司在六个月内团队生产力提升了 20%。团队能够识别并利用每个成员的优势,进而提高项目管理和执行的效率。​


🔍案例研究:IBM → 提升销售绩效

  • IBM 报告称,自销售团队采用基于 DISC 策略来更好地理解和回应客户需求后,客户保留率提高了 15%。这增强了客户关系,带来了更成功的结果。

🔍万豪国际集团Marriott International→ 减少员工流失率

  • 万豪实施 DISC 评估以提高员工满意度并减少流失率。一年后,公司员工流失率下降了 17%。通过了解员工的动机和压力源,管理层得以创造一个更支持员工的工作环境。

🔍西南航空Southwest Airlines→ 提高客户满意度

  • 西南航空使用 DISC 模型对客户服务代表进行培训,客户满意度评分提升了 22%。培训帮助员工通过调整沟通风格,更有效地与不同性格类型的客户互动。




  • 识别自己的 DISC(行事风格)档案,认识到与其相关的具体行为、优势和待改进的地方

  • 调整并应用恰当沟通策略,更有效地与他人互动,顾及到社交圈中不同的 DISC档案和行事风格

  • 运用与他人 DISC档案相符的实用解决冲突和应对技巧




Melvin Choong - Certified DISC Professional Facilitator

  • Founder and Director of Envolve Alliance Sdn Bhd

  • Senior Certified Practitioner (SHRM-SCP)

  • 13 years of experience in talent development, people development, organizational development, performance management, and employee engagement

  • Human Resources and Organizational Development (OD) Solutionist

  • Worked with notable companies like Country Heights Holdings, Sunway Malls & TGV Cinemas

  • Certified professional coach by Teamcoach International

  • IAC-Masteries Practitioner™ 

  • Certified NLP Practitioner, ABNLP

  • HRD Corp Accredited Trainer


     📌线下(Face-to-face): 2024年 10月 4号 (星期五) 

     💻线上(Online Zoom): 2024年 10月 25号 (星期五)

💎时间:9.00am - 5.00pm

     Face-to-Face 📌16-3, Menara Mutiara Sentral,

     No.2, Jalan Desa Aman 1, Cheras Business Centre,

     56000 Kuala Lumpur.

     /OR 💻Remote Online Training - Zoom

💎人数:只限20人🔥 [小班制]


🎓文凭:Certificate of Achievement in DISC Self-Discovery & Success

** HRD Corp Training Program No.: 10001456459



📌Module 1: Introduction to Behaviour 行为的简介

  • Fundamental Understanding of Behaviour and Its Impact on Social Interactions: What is Behaviour? A foundational understanding of behaviour and its impact on social interactions.

  • The Factors That Shape Behaviour: What Forms Personality/Behaviour? Explore the factors that shape behaviour, including genetics, environment, and experiences.

  • Importance Of Mastering Behaviour for Personal Growth and Effective Communication: Importance of Mastering Behaviour: Discuss the significance of understanding and mastering behaviour for personal growth and effective communication.

📌Module 2: The Power of Self-Awareness 自我意识的力量

  • The Conscious and Unconscious of Yourself: An exploration of the conscious and unconscious aspects of your identity.

  • Pen potraits - How We Think Others See Us: Reflect on perceptions others may have of us.

  • Pen potraits - How We Handle Challenges: Explore your response mechanisms to challenges.

  • Pen potraits - How We See Ourselves: Engage in a self-reflective activity to understand self-perception.

  • The Basic of Relationship Building - Emotional Bank Account (EBA) Behaviour

  • Case Study: In-depth exploration of each DISC style through real-world examples.

📌Module 3: Introduction to DISC Profiling ‘DISC’的评估模式

  • Introduction to the DISC Framework: Overview of the DISC model and its significance.

  • DISC Profiling Assessment: Conduct a DISC assessment to determine individual profiles.

  • Discussion: Analyze how Different DISC Styles Influence Communication and Behaviour

  • Case Study: In-depth exploration of each DISC style through real-world examples.

📌Module 4: Understanding and Adapting to DISC Styles 理解和适应DISC风格

  • Case Study: In-depth exploration of each DISC style

  • Techniques for Enhancing Communication based on DISC styles

  • Managing and Resolving Conflicts using DISC Principles

📌EXIT TICKET: Post Learning Commitment 课后行动承诺

  • Circle of Reflection: reflections and insights gained from the workshop.

  • My 3 Learning Commitment: Actionable takeaways to apply in work or daily lives.


原价 : RM1,800/- per pax


​*价格包括 8% SST

*可以☑开单去公司 /☑个人付款 /☑刷卡 /☑Claim HRDC Fund


📝附送 DISC Assessment Report 个人评估报告 (价值RM250/-)

🔥小班制只限 20人

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10月班级 —— 一年只开两班🔥
付款方式 (RM700 *包活8% SST)

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